Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our First Visit!!

Macii, Tom and BB came to visit! (BB will no longer stand for Baby Burrito because she's 7 months old and quite curious about the world!) It will stand for baby blue eyes :) You can see why below.

Tom had a financial conference in DC to attend so as a wonderful idea, they turned it into a trip to DC for the entire family. I picked them up from the airport, we went to Matchbox in China Town for lunch and was able to surprise my dad for his 60th birthday with BB and Macii being there. (I had told him they had to attend a social dinner at the conference that night).

My dad wasn't the only one surprised that night, one of my closest friends who lives in Tucson flew in to surprise me!

 After their conference Tom, Macii and BB stayed with me for a few days at my place. I loved it! I know some people think that it's really strange, but it's not. There's no confusion as to who her parents are. They were wonderful in giving me as many opportunities as I wanted to hold her, play with her, push her stroller, etc. They are AMAZING parents! Her dad has conversations about volunteering and financial responsibility and gives her baths and reads to her every night. Her mom is incredible! She takes BB out on one adventure a day and only has the TV on in the morning when they are eating breakfast. I am just beyond impressed with them as parents. It just reconfirms my decision over and over again that they were meant to be her parents. 

They have provided so much for her that I would never have been able to. They've provided a lot for me to. I don't worry about her at all, sure I wonder how she's doing and wish I could be around for some of the bigger moments, but day to day I know just how loved and how well taken care of she is!

I can tell that through BB as well. She was amazing on the metro and long trips to DC museums. She loves being held by various family members and is very curious and a total social butterfly. She would only get fussy when she became hangry.. but don't we all?! I can also tell she's completely attached to Tom and Macii. When BB doesn't feel well she looks for her mom and she falls asleep the best during her routine with her dad. They make an a great team :)

Macii and Tom provided me not only peace of mind by not needing to worry about her but by giving me a lot of special moments I never thought I would get to have through adoption. BB met her great grandparents who didn't support the adoption but wanted to meet her at the BBQ. I got to introduce BB her to Emilia, she and BB are only about 6 weeks apart. Jaclyn and I were pregnant at the same time so it meant a lot that Jaclyn, TJ and Emilia got to meet BB, Macii and Tom.

I asked a few close friends what their opinion of Macii and Tom was, first of all because I want everyone to love them as much as I so and secondly because I'm protective of them. Everyone LOVED them and a few friends commented just how much they enjoyed being around our family. Tom, Macii and BB are part of that now, it's never felt forced, we just fell into it naturally. 

The only awkward moment to me was when a lady who was having dinner next to our group of 12 asked who her parents were. I took a really long pause which probably seemed strange. I was thinking, "Macii and Tom, but do I say me too? She's got a cool adoption story, but this lady is a stranger do I want to explain all of that?" I told her Macii and Tom were her amazing parents and told them on the way home why I had such a pause. 

We discussed going up to visit for a week on BB's first birthday and talked about doing some joint family vacations. It's been a week since their visit and i'm still beaming!

Max and I miss them already!

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