Monday, January 11, 2016

Please be a little kinder.

I didn't make any new years resolutions, just a hope for 2016 to be a little kinder than 2015. My family fought some hard battles this year and we each survived. We each survived. We may not be that lucky next year, so for right now I'm going to savor that, i'm going to live in the moment.

I'd even dare to say we came out on top with the birth of BB. Because of BB, we don't have just a family tree, we now have a family orchard.

I've learned who my friends are and that you can love family even when they go against everything you know is right. I met some amazing people I hope to keep in my life (Alex, I'm looking at you!) and so many others.

This reflection is coming on day of excitement and anxiety. I signed the contract. I got myself a really great 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment with an attached garage, I love the Rippon Landing area. I'm moving forward. I'm excited to have my own space again even though I'll miss the daily antics of my family. I wouldn't have been able to afford it alone without the blogging, web editing and speech writing pay on top of my regular paycheck.

Even though I have done the numbers over and over and budgeted months out, I still had a panic attack when I signed the papers. $1,640 a month. My brain went something like this:

Ahhh what did I just do?
I want to hug my apartment I love it so much.
Ahhh I'm about to be very broke.
Just be happy!
ok, I'll give you five minutes.
Ok. I'm good now. You signed a contract you will figure everything out. You got this. You know what's cool? You will from this point forward, forever have a nice place to offer your daughter and her parents a place to stay.

I'm reading a book called, "Wild." I really related to a line I read last night. "I didn't feel proud or ashamed. I only felt that in spite of all the things i'd done wrong, in getting myself here, I'd done right."

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