Monday, November 30, 2015

Updated photos of BB

My new favorite part of the holidays? More updates than usual! I asked Macii if she minded that I post these, they are too adorable not too! BB is now 13 lbs. 9 oz. and 24 inches long. 

 I was just so touched and overjoyed when I received this photo, this is one of the Halloween costumes I sent Tom and Macii. Tom even dressed up as one of the 7 dwarfs!
This is the photo I have of her on my desk at work :)

While I was doing some reading on my flight to St. Louis, several adoptive parents mentioned in letters to their agency wanting to know how their birth mother and her family were doing. It reminds me that it's just as important to share photos from my adventures and family events as it is for them to share photos. 

You truly become an extended family, you care about each other. On our Facebook page where we keep in touch, I posted my favorite photos my grandmother shared with me to show BB what her Great Grandparents looked like when they were 18-19 years old. 

We spent quite a bit of our time in St. Louis with my grandfather at his assisted living home. He has made a tremendous rebound. I mentioned to my dad how we had been making contingency plans for when BB was born if my grandfather passed away, he would go there and mom would stay with me. 

Instead, we got to surprise him with a Christmas gift, a mini-fridge for his room so that he can offer beverages to people who visit him. The family also got him set up with a reclining chair that has an electric button to recline the seat since he no longer has the strength to push the foot rest down.  

A month ago we had made a plan to tell him about BB over Thanksgiving. For some reason, I couldn't tell him and hold it together.  He would want to meet her and may not understand why she wasn't with me. 

I told my dad if he felt it was right, I would like him to tell grandpa. He decided it was not a good idea, that it would just cause more confusion than anything. Dementia / Alzheimers is the worst kind of thief. Could you imagine your family making the decision not to tell you about your first great-grandchild because they didn't think you were mentally capable of handling it? It seems so wrong to me, but at the same time I didn't want to upset him. He forgets how to use tools, how to use the phone, and has a really hard time with understanding time. Why would I want to make that worse for him?

Here he is about 18 years old :)

My grandmother at the same age :)

My grandfather with my sister and I when we were younger. 

My Aunt Jan, Grandpa Rich and my dad Rick, Thanksgiving 2015.
My mom, Grandma Jerry, Me, Thanksgiving 2015

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